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What Do We Tell Our Children?

What Do We Tell Our Children?

Some say that the recent events of the Presidential election in the U.S. and “Brexit” in the U.K. mark a shift in the world as we have known it. To whatever extent these national and regional events influence us internationally, there is perhaps a more immediate question that requires our response.

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Boost Your Training Evaluation Process

Boost Your Training Evaluation Process

Offering an evaluation to training participants can feel like a risky proposition for a professional trainer when expectations are mismatched and are not met…Business-critical learning, behavioral change and results are not always complimented by favorable evaluation response. It’s time to talk more about what our training evaluation data is actually communicating.

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The „Middle East” Is Not What You Think

The „Middle East” Is Not What You Think

Why does Islam feel significantly incomprehensible to so many? “This is definitely an important question,” says intercultures Consultant, Dr. Jana Holla. “It is a very structured religious faith which is easy to comprehend, as much as a belief system can be rationalized. What makes it difficult [for people] is that you have all these negative black and white images that are painted with a very broad brush, and that hinder you from actually understanding what the religion is about. This is what prevents people from getting to know Islam.”

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Stories Help Children Fall Asleep and Wake Up Adults[i]

And now, here’s a story for you about Little Jim, Lukas and Mr. TurTur from the storybook, Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer (Jim Knopf and Lukas the Train Driver), written by the late German, children’s fiction author, Michael Ende, and shared by intercultures Consultant, Dr. Hanna Milling, author of Storytelling: Solving Conflicts with Heart and Mind.

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The Study of Laughter, Smiles, Grins & Sudden Exhalations

The Study of Laughter, Smiles, Grins & Sudden Exhalations

The Humor Profiler— co-developed by intercultures and PscyhologyOfHumor.com— is being used in scholarly research to see whether, which and how various types of humor are positively related to employee engagement. It’s only a matter of time until the benefits of humor that we feel are proven empirically by HRM research and continued management practice.

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