In the space of three sentences: How did you come to do what you do (for a living)?
After having gained entrepreneurial experience, I was looking for a profession in which I could share my best practices as well as my worst cases along with my academic background and my research interests – I cannot think of any better profession.
How might intercultures’ customers find you unique?
I live and work in India and Germany, which is why I am used to think monoculturally as well as multiculturally. I am furthermore fairly comfortable experiencing a VUCA environment, which means an environment of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Nevertheless, I have a lot of empathy for those who do not like to live in a constantly changing world of ambivalence. In my trainings, I point out the areas where change is necessary and beneficial and help people to leverage cultural differences wherever they enable a trustful, eye leveled cooperation with benefits for both sides.
What do you like about working with intercultures?
At intercultures I met so many interesting and permanently curious colleagues – research means a lot to us and we share valuable learning among ourselves.
In a global context – why do you think is your work – and our work together important?
Our work is important because we can recognize and utilize synergies, deliver on both a global and a local scale and create clusters of skill-sets and competencies which are rarely found elsewhere.