paź 27, 2016 | intercultures’ Culture, New Developments
In Iran, it’s been „business as usual” for years. Despite the impact of economic sanctions made against the country over recent decades in an effort to influence Iranian policy, „the country has not been completely isolated from the...
sie 24, 2016 | intercultures’ Culture
Working with Iran- now or in future? Work better globally with us. intercultures Consultant for Iran, Pari Namazie, is interviewed in this edition of intercultures’ 2016 vlog series. Click to view the video! Czekamy na Twój kontakt! skontaktuj się z...
lip 5, 2016 | Projects with Customers
Hot topics tend to come and go Though, the ongoing and unfolding discussion about the increase of refugee populations in Germany is a topic that will be present for some time. Whether in the media, on the political agenda, or within our personal conversations, it has...
gru 16, 2015 | Projects with Customers
The interconnection of 'People and Business’ 'People and Business’ was the slogan of the 2nd international Cleaning. Management. Service. Congress in Berlin, Germany, this past Sept. 2015. The Congress emphasized the importance and role of people in the...
lis 1, 2015 | Bez kategorii, New Developments, Projects with Customers
Join intercultures for the remaining event of our 2015 webinar series! Reserve your space free of charge—and send questions in advance for our guest speakers. REGISTER via email at Tue., 10 November @12:30-13:15 CET, “Leading...